Unpaid Work #4

Hey all,

The following articles were written by me and are not authorized for use elsewhere. If they are found on another site, consider them stolen intellectual property. They were done for a client who disappeared without payment (after a considerable amount of work was done).

If any of these articles are work that you or someone you work with contracted out, please contact me and we can make arrangements regarding its use.

See the full story:  http://www.alex-maness.com/unpaid-work-scams-perils-of-freelance/


Sleep Apnea Dentist Lynnwood

What is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a kind of sleeping disorder in which the person suffering from it experiences shallow or infrequent breathing during their sleep. This could even include times in which the individual has pauses in their sleep (each pause is referred to as an apnea). There are three primary forms of sleep apnea: complex sleep apnea, central sleep apnea, and obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is by far the most common.

In obstructive sleep apnea, the breathing during sleep is being interrupted by a physical barrier to the airflow entering the respiratory tract regardless of the effort the body puts into breathing. Snoring is extremely common. Risks of this type of sleep apnea increase with body weight, lifestyle choices (such as smoking, drinking, or activity levels), or sleeping position. Sleep apnea almost universally includes restless sleep and loud, persistent, snoring. This is also a disorder that places individuals at a greatly increased risk of heart problems and high blood pressure in addition to endocrine problems such as diabetes.

What Are Common Sleep Apnea Treatments?

Some common treatments for sleep apnea include lifestyle changes such as increasing the amount of exercise you get, trying to lower body weight, and stopping smoking and drinking. It can also include changing the way that you sleep from lying flat on your back to laying on your side. This is especially helpful for obstructive sleep apnea. Many people looking for a snoring treatment are actually looking for a treatment for sleep apnea.

Should I See a Sleep Apnea Dentist?

Dentists offer a number of services for individuals who have sleep apnea that can help them with their problem. One of these is the fitting and prescription of a continuous positive airway pressure device (CPAP) which helps to keep the airway open during sleep by providing a flow of pressurized air into the lungs.

Another method of helping with sleep apnea is using an oral appliance fabricated by a dentist. These are called mandibular advancement splints. They are custom made and help to open the bite and shift the lower jaw forward during sleep which opens the airway and prevents obstruction.

A final option is surgery. Dentists can assist with this as well. This treatment is usually reserved for people who are not helped by CPAP machines or who choose not to use them. Each surgery is tailored to the individual patient and must address all of their needs. Nasal passages are often corrected as well in order to improve the flow of air. Often, these procedures must be performed with the help of a qualified plastic surgeon. Some of the procedures merely stiffen the tissues in the respiratory tract to prevent collapse during sleep.

If you have a problem with sleep apnea and the things that you can try at home are not working, there is no need to suffer in silence. Get a consultation and find out if you can be helped. Finding the right sleep apnea treatment is just a phone call away.


Tamil Speech and Drama Classes in Singapore

Tamil Speech and Drama

The Tamil language is primarily spoken by the Tamil people in southern India and northeastern Sri Lanka. It is one of the oldest languages in the world and inscriptions bearing the language have been found dating back to over three thousand years ago. The study of drama, likewise, is a staple throughout human history. The study of language and drama together have traditionally happened concurrently and, given the cross-topic method of learning that is so popular with contemporary education and the availability of resources and teachers, it makes sense to study them together.

Though the Tamil language is not the primary spoken language in Singapore, it is an important one to learn nonetheless if for no other reason than the fact that the neighbors of the country speak this language in addition to others. Communication across lingual and cultural barriers is one of the most important aspects of the modern world. Progress can be hindered by a failure to properly communicate either due to language or due to failure in dramatic presentation.

Life Enrichment through Drama Education

Drama and language are two of the best ways to learn. The entire method by which they are taught and learned focuses on the promotion of an active learning process by which the student and the teacher (or audience, in some cases) have interactions which serve as the basis for the education itself. Language is, by its very nature, a communicative practice. One individual is trying to communicate something to others. This requires a mutual understanding. Drama, likewise, is communication. Drama, though, often takes a form somewhat akin to emotional or empathetic communication by which feelings, thoughts, or ideas can be transferred from one individual to others either through their actions or through their spoken word.

Life itself is enriched through the addition of both language learning and drama education by an improvement in a large variety of areas. Exploration of areas of drama and language can include improvisation exercises, expression and role playing, all of which contribute to the students’ understanding of the subject matter. Beyond that, the people who are participating in these projects are provided with a variety of creative outlets which can be used not only for artistic reasons, but also have real world economic applications such as formal business presentations, improvement in cognitive function, and an increased level of abstract thinking.


Though the Tamil language is not the national language of Singapore, the proximity of the areas in which it is spoken to Singapore cannot be overlooked. It is common for business transactions to take place cross culturally and for cultural exchange to occur between countries. With the increased levels of globalization present in contemporary society, the need for good communicators, translators, and orators has never been higher. Studying Tamil speech and drama through classes in Singapore can be one of the best ways to enrich your life and get a leg up on modern cross-cultural business and creative developments.

The Karatbars System

What is the Karatbars System?

Karatbars International is a company that was founded in 2011. They specialize in selling gold bars and gift items made of gold bullion. The success of their company is based primarily on the actions and the image presented by their partners and clients and through the work of both external and internal employees. They strive to present a professional and consistent image to all of their clients in every way possible. Through their affiliate programs, it is entirely possible to start a business as an independent partner and to establish yourself as a brand leader.

The Karatbars system is not complicated. Gold is purchased through Karatbars International in a simple way and it can be spent using Karatbars gold cards in a simple way. This works much like a debit card would work at a bank and allows you to register all of your information for quick and easy access to your gold. The idea being that you, the business owner, will buy gold bars and small items from Karatbars and then you will be able to sell those items using the Karatbars company information, name, marketing material, and advertising. The selling is up to you. The sky is the limit with regard to the number of clients that you can get with this system. The best part about all of this is, of course, that you can work with a team in order to maximize both sales and profits. If certain sales goals are met throughout the selling process, everyone in the team is eligible to receive some bonuses as well, further increasing the salary.

The process is relatively simple. You place your order on the Karatbars website by clicking on the “buy gold” button and then choosing your purchase type. You are then provided with a choice of gold cards from which you can select the one you prefer. A confirmation email will be sent along with a binding sales contract. The prices are up to date and any information or questions can be answered with a quick phone call to the company. Credit card payments allow gold bar purchases in real time.

Direct transfers of funds can take place from your own bank by selecting the “Bank Transfer” option. This will generate a PDF containing both the transaction reference number and your user name. Once payment has been completed the purchase is seen in your back office. The gold is then delivered to you and delivered so you can sell to your clients.

How to Get Involved

Getting involved with Karatbars is not difficult. They provide affiliate opportunities to members of the general public which allows anyone to become an independent contractor and to begin the promotion of Karatbars and their system in a self-employed state. Becoming an independent contractor through the Karatgold affiliate program provides you with a business through which you can increase your yearly earnings, become more successful, and even earn performance based bonuses to boost your income to an even higher level.

Tips for Decorating with Big Lots Furniture

Using Big Lots Furniture to decorate your house or workspace is one of the most cost effective methods of furniture shopping available. The low prices and the availability of merchandise makes it a great option. Traditional furniture stores often have a wider selection but, as everyone knows, having a large selection does not guarantee quality. Opting to decorate via merchandise from closeout stores is a bit more difficult insofar as they have varying delivery schedules and their items are dependent on what they are able to buy wholesale from other retail corporations.

Benefits of Using Big Lots Furniture

There are a myriad of benefits to opting for furniture from a wholesaler like Big Lots as opposed to using a traditional retail store for office or home furniture. Here are a few of the benefits:

  1. Price point – The closeout prices for the furniture offered at these stores cannot be beaten by traditional stores.
  2. Unique merchandise – The merchandise available at these types of stores are often the types of things that one would not be able to find at a normal store.
  3. Name brand items – Name brand items often wind up in closeout stores for much lower price points than they would be if they were found at a traditional store.

Decorating with Closeout Furniture

Here are a few tips for decorating with closeout furniture:

  1. Regularly check stores for new merchandise – Due to the unique way that closeout stores obtain their merchandise it is important to regularly check these stores for new goods. Weekly checks may be a bit too often, but checking once or twice a month is a good baseline if you are doing a complete redecoration.
  2. Save on holiday decorations – Finding a unique array of holiday decorations is extremely easy at closeout stores. After a given holiday, remaining merchandise is typically bought by these stores and put on their shelves. This typically means that, for instance, prior to Halloween, the closeout stores will be offering furniture and decorations from last year. That being said, it often doesn’t matter.
  3. Reappropriation of furniture – A lot of the furniture that is located at Big Lots is at a perfect price point to be redone in a unique or artful way. This can allow you to purchase pieces of furniture that you need for your home but then repurpose or redecorate the furniture itself to suit your existing décor.
  4. Keep an open mind – Having an open mind when looking through these types of stores is extremely important when looking for new furniture. Some things that you believe look horrible at first glance can turn out to be the centerpiece of your space. This is one area in which being creative is a major boon.
  5. Set a budget – Though things are more inexpensive at these stores, it is important to set a budget for yourself prior to going to the store itself. It is extremely easy to overspend due to the appearance of getting a good deal.


Because of the way that Big Lots and other closeout stores choose to distribute the freight that they purchase, each store will usually get a specific allotment of items and, once those items are gone, they will not get any of that freight back in. It is important, therefor, to regularly check these closeout stores for new merchandise and deals that appeal to your sense of taste. Coming up with a unified theme for your home and office is not difficult at all if you visit a number of closeout stores during similar times. The items that they get in stock are often all parts of matching sets which makes getting a common theme for your purchase a relatively easy task.

Decorating with Big Lots furniture is both easy and cost effective. In truth, the only difficult part of the entire process is making sure that you can find enough of any one item at the store you choose. Whether you are purchasing items to decorate as-is, buying holiday decorations and furniture, or purchasing items to modify and use as you see fit, Big Lots and other closeout stores provide a ton of unique items at a good value.

Top 5 Best Knife Brands

Choosing a Type of Knife

Choosing a knife is a very personal process. A knife is going to be a tool that you use on a daily (or near-daily) basis and it makes sense that you want to get the most utility for the money that you are spending. The sheer versatility of a good knife cannot be overstated.

When looking for a knife, you need to look at a few things. What is it primarily going to be used for? How heavy is the workload that it will see? Feel different handles and see what is the most comfortable to you. How long do you think the blade needs to be? What about cleaning and material composition? Can the knife be cleaned very easily? Is the knife able to be cleaned quickly and efficiently in the field?

There are two general types of knifes. Folding knives and fixed blade knives. Folding knives fold in the middle to hide the blade after use. These make for slightly easier storage but do not stand up in the field as well. Fixed blade knives are universally better for a myriad of reasons. They are easier to clean in the field meaning that you will not lose functionality regardless of the reason the knife is being used. A fixed blade knife is also much less likely to fail when put under pressure. It simply does not have weak points like a folding knife would have. For any heavy tasks, a fixed blade knife is better.

The Top 5 Best Knife Brands

  1. Zero Tolerance – Zero Tolerance is a company that specializes in the creation of high quality tactical knives. They make knives that are used by the military and by police forces across the world that can stand up to very rigorous situations and meet excessive quality standards.
  2. Gerber – Gerber is a producer of knives that create their products for a myriad of uses. They have knives meant for everything from survivalism to military exercises. One of the most established brands in the entire industry, Gerber produces their high quality products with the help of their engineers and technicians in Portland, Oregon.
  3. Cold Steel – Cold Steel purports to be one of the leading knife manufacturers in the world. Their brand the quality of the product that they product puts them at the top in terms of quality. Reviews consistently place their knives in the top categories. They are dedicated to making the strongest and sharpest knives in the world.
  4. Buck – Buck Knives are a brand that has been set up in the United States by a single family. They offer a number of unique bonuses to go along with their brand including a lifetime warranty.
  5. Ka-Bar – Ka-Bar produces the most popular and iconic knife in the world; the knife used by the United States Marine Corps. That knife and their other selections has boosted their popularity as their reputation for producing a high-quality knife has grown larger.

What to Look for in Antiseptic Wipes

What are Antiseptic Wipes?

Antiseptic wipes are usually small cloth wipes which are disposable and are primarily used to sterilize areas of the body. They also, of course, work on other surfaces. In any sort of emergency situation, these wipes are best utilized in first aid situations. They are an indispensable part of any good preparedness pack and are an extremely important component of a good medical kit. The real killers in the health world are not the wounds themselves, but the resulting infections. It is extremely important to maintain a sterile wound area (and sterilize things you are likely to come into contact with) to avoid infections.

The only problem is that, like everything, not all antiseptic wipes are made equally. Finding a good product can be difficult.

Tips for Finding the Perfect Antiseptic Wipes

Here are some things to look for when trying to find a good antiseptic wipe product:

  • Contains natural and organic ingredients – Avoid buying wipes that contain a ton of artificial ingredients or chemicals. This can include alcohols in the wipes. There is a simple reason for this: organic and natural ingredients both do a better job and they are a more healthy option for the user. Alcohol, in particular, is harsh on the skin and can dry it out. When used on a wound, alcohol might kill bacteria but it can also damage the skin and underlying tissue.
  • Sterilization – Many wipes, in fact, do not have any ingredients which work to sterilize the skin. That is a problem. It is important to read the ingredients and to try to find out what the function of each one is when looking for quality wipes.
  • Sturdy – The best wipes are the ones that can stand up to a bit of use. Obviously this does not mean they have to last for days, but they should be able to be used in the way they were meant to without falling apart or leaving debris in the areas that they are cleaning. Look for something that you can wipe along the entire length of your arm without causing damage to the product itself.
  • Avoid products containing SLS – Many cleaning and sterilization products contain SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate), which is a detergent primarily responsible for making the “bubbles” that are so commonly seen with soaps and cleaning agents. This chemical can cause rashes and can harm sensitive skin. Beyond that, it is also responsible for the drying out of skin (much like alcohol) and should be avoided if possible.
  • Saturated – Try to find wipes that are saturated with the product meant for sterilization. If they dry out they are going to be useless. So find wipes that will maintain their level of moisture even after the container they are stored in has been opened.

Finding a good product is extremely important in situations like this. Don’t skimp on your research and make sure that you know what your needs are prior to going out to make your purchase.

What to Look for in Corporate Catering Packages

What is Corporate Catering?

Corporate catering is typically going to be a catering service which is primarily directed at a business or company environment in which food (and drinks) are served to employees or clients during the course of a business meeting or a normal workday. These events are typically planned out well in advance of the event itself and are primarily put on for one of two reasons: To make an impression on a client or business partner or to simply serve complimentary meals to employees during an important meeting. Either of these requires a caterer who is able to handle the unique challenges presented by the business environment.

Catering typically requires three aspects to work in conjunction with each other to present a harmonious eating experience. Those are the chef who is working on the food, the food that is being prepared (more specifically – the type of food), and the general concept. The concept would be the overall atmosphere that is being conveyed at the event. Utilizing catering packages for a wedding is going to result in a very different experience than catering packages for corporate meetings. Beyond that: venue is also an important aspect of the overall catering experience. A corporate meeting could take place anywhere from an office building to a hotel with a full-scale kitchen.

What are the Qualities of a Good Corporate Caterer?

Here are some things that you want to look for in a good catering service:

  • Prompt – Being on time is extremely important during any business event. Failing to have a caterer come on time could cause your company to look unprofessional in the eyes of business partners or clients.
  • Versatile – With a large array of guests at a catered event or meeting, it is important to have a caterer who is able to change what they are bringing, perhaps at the last minute, to accommodate dietary requirements of their clients.
  • Professional – A caterer who is serving businessmen or corporate events needs to be professional in attitude as well as dress. This often means business casual, at the very least.
  • Light menu – The menu should include light things that can be eaten easily. Heavy meals should be avoided to prevent any issues during the meal.
  • Bulk menus – Most corporate events are going to have, at the very least, about twenty people. Usually the numbers will be much higher. It is important to choose a caterer who will be able to accommodate large groups of people without an issue.
  • Experience – These types of events are not the kind of events that you want to hire a new company. You need to find someone who has experience catering and, more importantly, who has already catered events in the past.
  • Packages – Look for services that offer company catering packages already so that ordering will be a simple process and confusion can be avoided.

Finding a good caterer is a process that should not be taken lightly. It is one of the most important aspects of a corporate meeting.

Why Buy Yankees Season Tickets

The Yankee Legacy

The New York Yankees are a professional baseball team based out of the Bronx area of New York City in the United States. They are one of the teams making up the American League East Division in the Major League Baseball organization. They were founded in 1901 as the Baltimore Orioles and moved to New York City in 1903.

One of the most popular and profitable sports teams in the entire world, the Yankees are one of the most storied organizations in existence. Through their long history they have provided their fans and other onlookers all over the world with a show that is unmatched. Not only are they one of the most famous organizations, they are also one of the most successful. They have won eighteen division titles, twenty-seven championships in the World Series, and forty American League pennants. All of these are records in the Major League Baseball organization. Their players also make regular inductions into the National Baseball Hall of Fame in the United States.

Season Tickets

Season tickets are primarily meant to provide a way for people who wish to see the Yankees play multiple games to secure all of their tickets at the same time as part of a package. This is a cheap and effective way of ensuring that you will be able to see the Yankees play during the season. Being one of the most popular sports teams in the entire world, securing tickets can be difficult. Beyond that, it is sometimes hard to secure multiple tickets in one season even if you are able to get one to begin with.

Season tickets can be purchased through the Yankees website for varying prices. Universally, however, they are cheaper than buying tickets to individual games. This is not surprising, as it is more economically viable in nearly every situation to buy a bulk package than to buy individual units. The organization offers six unique season ticket packages. They offer a full season package which includes all of the games during the season. They also offer twelve or nine game mini-season ticket packages that are more economically viable. They carry forty one game packages, twenty game packages, and sixteen game packages as well. All of them vary by price, but generally the more games you select in your package the more money you will save on a per-game basis. All season tickets will allow you to keep the same seat throughout the season for all of the games, so you don’t have to worry about showing up early to the game to secure your seat.

Premium packages are also available through which you can get season tickets in a specific suite. They offer a number of suites which are usually more expensive than the normal season tickets but they include a number of unique amenities that are not available. These include better seating, better views for the games, entertainment packages, and extra services such as catering.

Reasons to Purchase Yankees Season Tickets

Here are just a few of the many reasons why you should look into purchasing Yankees season tickets:

  • New buyer discount – Season ticket holders get a discount equivalent to the new buyer price for 2014 season tickets.
  • Parking packages – There are both preferred and discounted season parking packages available to season tickets holder. Traffic in New York can be a nightmare, particularly if you are trying to get to a Yankees game.
  • Newsletter – Season ticket holders are provided with an exclusive newsletter outlining some of the things about the team.
  • Payment plans – Unlike single game tickets, season tickets come with payment plans through which a person can pay a little bit throughout the year as opposed to one large lump sum.
  • Special offers – Offers are provided to season ticket holders for both group sales and party area discounts. These can make the price of taking a large group to a Yankees game much less expensive.
  • Seat relocation events – There is a chance that you could get better seats at no extra cost through the Yankees seat relocation event.

Regardless of the season ticket package you choose, the value is simply unmatched. Season tickets are the single best way to view the Yankees throughout the season.

Woodland, Texas Flyer Printing Info

Woodland’s Best Flyer Printer

The time and care that we put into our flyer printing is unmatched in the Woodlands, Texas area. All of our flyers come standard on 100lb book paper while the flyers of our competitors use lower weight paper, resulting in a flimsy product. Our flyers are printed via 500 line screen, a step up from the industry standard of 240 line prints that many other printers use. This helps to create both realistic coloring and smooth printing resulting in a very high quality final product. We offer complimentary double-sided printing on all of our flyer orders.

Whether you are planning a party at a local venue or you are trying to throw a neighborhood BBQ in your backyard, get your message out to your audience in style using targeted flyers. Flyers are the single best way to quickly disseminate information to an audience that conveys information about an event or venue. The ease of creation and the ease of use make flyers one of the best marketing tools available.

Flyer Quantities

Starting at fifty flyers, we have quantities going as high as you can imagine. The higher the order the higher the savings. We can product huge quantities of flyers and once the ball starts rolling it doesn’t stop until you want it to. This is the primary reason for high quantities of orders. Our printing press is commercial grade and not a standard printer.

Coatings and Finishes

The flyers that we create usually come with a semi-gloss finish for a very smooth and elegant appearance. This is what you want for normal flyers. We provide UV coating as well, if requested, which can move from a semi-gloss to a high-gloss finish giving long lasting shine and durability to your flyers.


We can accept custom designs or we can help you create your design. With our team of technicians and graphic designers, coming up with a quality flyer design is no problem. The process is simple and painless and it can take place in less than a day.

Available Sizes

Our sizes including industry standards such as 8.5” x 11” flyers, 3.66” x 8.5”, 5.5” x 8.5”, 8.5” x 14”, and 11” x 17” flyers. Custom sizes are also available upon request. Contact us for more information regarding pricing and the availability of custom sized flyes.

Complimentary Proofing Services

All of our flyer orders begin with a free file check from our qualified personnel. This comes at no extra charge and includes proofs of your design files which are then relayed back to you for approval through the ordering system we use. Throughout the process we ensure the designs meet all of your specifications prior to you placing an order. This proofing is a free service we provide to everyone, clients and non-clients alike.

Pricing of Flyers

High quality flyer printing at an unbeatable price, we offer services to fit every marketing budget!

Contact us today at http://store.ybsprint.com/ for additional information about Woodland, Texas flyer printing and free estimates!

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